My Sweet Followers

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Wat kaartjes gemaakt

A birthday card for my dear friends daughter

Birthday card for my brother-in-law

For a dear friend in Australia who needed some support.

For friends who have lost their daughter in 2003
Every year I send them a card on the day she died to let them know I'm thinking of them.



Anonymous said...

bedankt, demi was er heel erg blij mee.

Intruderlady said...

graag gedaan! alijd leuk om kaartjes te maken en te versturen. kleine moeite groot plezier.

Michelle said...

hi kitty!

your cuttlebugged cards are WONDERFUL!...and wold be ideal for some of the challenges at the cuttlebug challenge blog.. (come you join us there for the weekly challenges?)

thanks so much for visiting my blog and for linking the photo of the cuttlebug goodies here on your blog's sidebar!

good luck with your chance of winning these goodies!
